Darren Doherty (Australië) is een van de meest ervaren Permaculture Design professional die meer dan 1100 projecten in 4 continenten heeftt ontworpen en ontwikkeld met een team van specialisten. Daarnaast heeft veel Permaculture Design Courses gegeven, ondemeer met Bill Mollison en David Holmgren.
Hij geeft nog steeds regelmatig les op zijn boerderij (60 hectares) in Southern Victoria, Australië, hij werkt internationaal als consultant en ontwerper en verblijft zo’n 40% van zijn tijd in Vietnam, waar hij aan verschillende projecten werkt.
Regrarianism: Re-Booting Agriculture for the Next 10,000 Years
One of the world’s most brilliant and accomplished Permaculture designers describes how “Regrarianism” can reverse the destruction and usher in a new regenerative future for our food systems and communities.
This speech was given at the 2013 Bioneers National Conference.
Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.
Darren Doherty Talks Swales
Darren talks about the importance of starting slow with a land system. Not going straight to earthworks. Keep the land scaring to a minimum. Start with building soil And briefly discusses the merits of Keyline plowing.
Darren Doherty explains tree planting system..
On July 24 2012, Darren Doherty of Heenan Doherty explains a way of preparing the ground prior to planting trees under trial at Dalpura Agroforestry Farm near Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
Carbon Farming and Keyline Design
Join Darren Doherty as he goes over Carbon Farming and Keyline Design. Darren shares how to create a landscape that receives water,sequesters carbon and supports livestock and plants.
The Regen 10 and Silvo Pastoral Intelligence
On August 24, 2012 Skillset in partnership with Net Balance and ABC Rural presented FACETS 2012, a TEDx styled event that focused on key issues for regional Australia: Food, Agriculture, Climate, Energy, Topsoil and Sustainability.